4月2日为爱阅读-素材包-I Bet I Can

英语读本:《I Bet I Can》



亲爱的小朋友们, 今天我们要来看看熊的故事喔! 他们似乎在赌些什么, 那你觉得熊会赢还是其他动物会赢呢? 就让我们一同来看看吧! 

Dear children, today we are going to look at the story of the bear! It seems like they are betting something, do you think the bear will win or others animals will win? Let us take a look together!
Tomorrow, on 4/2, 5:00 pm, don’t forget to get online to listen to the story. 是的! 明天 4/2, 下午5:00请记得上线收听,TK英语在线说故事,第四十四集- I Bet I Can 我打赌我一定做得到! TK English cares your health, reading for love.


After the story, let’s think about these questions. 听完故事后,我们来思考一下这些问题:
1. Did the bear jump over the river?(熊有跳过河吗?)
2. Did the bear swing on the rope?(熊有荡在绳子上吗?)
3. Did the bear sleep over all the winter?(熊有睡过整个冬天吗?)

