3月23日为爱阅读-素材包-Doctor Jen

英语读本:《Doctor Jen》



大家最近有没有好好照顾自己呢? 一定要勤洗手,出门得戴口罩,多注意防疫安全喔! 如果真的有不舒服一定要好好吃药看医生! 究竟身体不舒服时要怎么用英文跟医生说呢? 我们一起来学吧! 

Have you taken good care of yourself recently? Be sure to wash your hands frequently, wear a mask when you go out, and pay more attention to keep the virus away. If you are really uncomfortable, you must take medicine and go to see the doctor! And how to talk in English when you are not feeling well? Let’s learn together!!! 

Next Monday, on 3/23, 5:00 pm, don’t forget to get online to listen to the story. 是的,下周一! 3/23下午5:00,请记得上线收听,TK英语在线说故事,第三十六集,Doctor Jen-我们的家庭医师, 珍。TK English cares your health, reading for love.


After the story, let’s think about these questions.听完故事后,我们来思考一下这些问题:

1. Who is Jen? (珍是谁?)

2. Father doesn’t feel well, why? (爸爸身体不舒服, 为什么?)

3. Pets need to go to see the doctor or vet? (宠物应该要去看医生还是兽医呢?)

